Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

It is never too late to learn.

A Comprehensive List of Common Issues in Spark Applications

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement!

List of Common Issues

Please refer to for a comprehensive list of Spark Issues and (possible) causes and solutions.

Debugging Tips

Spark/Hadoop Applications UI

  1. The Jobs tab (default) to check jobs stages, number of jobs, etc.

  2. The Environment tab contains information about environment variables and Spark configurations.
    It is helpful if you forget configurations set for your Spark application or if you want to confirm that configurations for your Spark application are correct.

  3. The SQL tab contains all Spark SQLs in your Spark application. you can click on each SQL to see visualization of its execuation plans. This visualiation of execuation plan has more information than the one in the Jobs tab. Notice that statistics after each stage will be update in this visualiation as the Spark application runs. This is extremely helpful for - identifying unexpected behaviors of Spark job - better understanding of complexity of your Spark job - tuning parameters to speed up your Spark application

Debug Your Spark Application

Below a few things to check while you debug your Spark applications.

  1. Make sure the number of tasks is as expected.

  2. Check the execution plan of your Spark job to make sure the join type is as expected. This is critical for improve the performance of your Spark application. For example, you might expect Spark to use BroadcastHashJoin but it actually used SortMergeJoin.

Tips on Spark Configuration to Avoid Issues

  1. It is suggested that you keep --driver-memory to be at least 2G.

  2. If you are not sure, keep --executor-cores to be less than 4. For debugging purpose, it is better to reduce --executor-cores to be 1.

  3. Set a large value for MaxDirectoMemorySize for JVM.

    --conf spark.executor.extraJavaOptions=-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=8G \
