Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

It is never too late to learn.

Tips on cURL and Wget

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement!

cURL vs Wget

curl vs wget has a detailed comparison between curl and wget. In short, curl is more powerful and flexible and thus is preferred to wget unless you want to download content recursively from a site (which curl does not support currently).

Alternatives to curl

Convert curl syntax to Python, Node.js, R, PHP, Strest, Go, JSON, Rust

The postman plugin for Google Chrome can also convert curl command to other programming languages.


A general way (works for most other command-line tools too) is set the environment variables http_proxy and https_proxy (and ftp_proxy, etc. if need them). This way is preferred if your command/script to run has dependencies which also requires proxy to work.

export http_proxy=http://your.proxy.server:port
export https_proxy=http://your.proxy.server:port

Another simple way is to use the option --proxy directly. This way is preferred if your command/script does not have other dependencies which also requires proxy to work.

curl --proxy http://your.proxy.server:port ...

Tricks and Traps

  1. Use the -L option to follow redirect URLs. This is a really useful trick to use curl to download things from GitHub.

cURL Examples

  1. Get redirected URL.

    curl -sSL -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective}
  2. Use browser cookie.

    curl -v --cookie-jar cjar \
        --output /dev/null \
    curl -v --cookie cjar --cookie-jar cjar \
        --data 'user_login={username}' \
        --data 'password={password}' \
        --data 'form_id=login' \
        --output cos.html \
    curl -v --cookie-jar cjar \
        --output /dev/null \
    curl -v --cookie cjar \
        --cookie-jar cjar \
        --data 'email={}' \
        --data 'password={password}' \
        --data 'form_id=frmMain' \
        --output moody.html \
    curl -v --cookie-jar cjar \
        --output /dev/null \
    curl -v --cookie cjar \
        --cookie-jar cjar \
        --data 'username={user_name}' \
        --data 'password={password}' \
        --data 'form_id=form1' \
        --output ncreif.html \
    wget --no-check-certificate \
        --load-cookies=ff_cookies.txt \

The easy way: login with your browser, and give the cookies to wget

Easiest method: in general, you need to provide wget or cURL with the (logged-in) cookies from a particular website for them to fetch pages as if you were logged in.

If you are using Firefox, it's easy to do via the Export Cookies add-on. Install the add-on, and:

Go to Tools...Export Cookies, and save the cookies.txt file (you can change the filename/destination).

Open up a terminal, and use wget with the --load-cookies=FILENAME option, e.g.

wget --load-cookies=cookies.txt

For cURL, it's

curl --cookie cookies.txt ...

The hard way: use cURL (preferably) or wget to manage the entire session

A detailed how-to is beyond the scope of this answer, but you use cURL with the --cookie-jar or wget with the --save-cookies --keep-session-cookiesoptions, along with the HTTP/S PUT method to log in to a site, save the login cookies, and then use them to simulate a browser. Needless to say, this requires going through the HTML source for the login page (get input field names, etc.), and is often difficult to get to work for sites using anything beyond simple login/password authentication.

Tip: if you go this route, it is often much simpler to deal with the mobile version of a website (if available), at least for the authentication step.

Tricks and Traps

-q/--quiet: quiet mode which turns off wget's output. This option is helpful if you want to have the downloaded content as output only. curl by default is in quiet mode. You can force it (or overwrite other non-quiet options) using -s/--silent.

Wget Examples

To filter for specific file extensions:

wget -A pdf,jpg -m -p -E -k -K -np http://site/PATH/

This will mirror the site, but the files without jpg or pdf extension will be automatically removed.

Download all contents under the link.

wget -r --no-parent -e robots=off http://site/PATH/

Download all contents except HTML files under the link.

wget -r --no-parent -e robots=off -R "*.html"
wget --no-check-certificate
wget --random-wait -r -p -e robots=off -U mozilla

