Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

It is never too late to learn.

Dashboard Solutions

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement!


jupyterlab-interactive-dashboard-editor is an awesome dashboard plugin for JupyterLab!


A high-level app and dashboarding solution for Python. Notice that panel does not support ipywidgets currently.



Turn Jupyter notebooks to standalone web applications and dashboards. Notice that voila works with ipywidgets only currently. It does not work with Bokeh/HoloViews currently.

voila-gridstack provides dashboard template for Voila based on GridStackJS.




Pros & Cons


  1. Redash is a great opensource alternative to Tableau!

  2. Code free which makes it suitable for business people.


  1. Currently SQL is supported. Even though Redash is developed in Python, directly Python script based data manipulation is not nicely supported. There is a large voice in the community on this, so hopefully this will get improved soon.

  2. Superset use SQLAlchemy for underlying crunching. SQLAlchemy relies on ODBC for querying databases, however, ODBC installation and configuration is often a nightmare for commerical databases (such as Teradata, Oracle and SQL Server). It is often more convenient to query commerical databases using JDBC, but unfortuantely JDBC support in SQLAlchemy is not good.

  3. Visualization is via JS. Python visualization libraries (even if JS based) are not supported directly.

Docker Image



Superset is a very similar (both functionalities and underlying techs) product to Redash.

Pros & Cons


  1. Superset is a great opensource alternative to Tableau!

  2. Code free which makes it suitable for business people.


  1. Currently SQL Lab is supported. Even though Superset is developed in Python, directly Python script based data manipulation is not nicely supported. There is a large voice in the community on this, so hopefully this will get improved soon.

  2. Superset use SQLAlchemy for underlying crunching. SQLAlchemy relies on ODBC for querying databases, however, ODBC installation and configuration is often a nightmare for commerical databases (such as Teradata, Oracle and SQL Server). It is often more convenient to query commerical databases using JDBC, but unfortuantely JDBC support in SQLAlchemy is not good.

  3. Visualization is via JS. Python visualization libraries (even if JS based) are not supported directly.

Docker Image



Looks very interesting!

Bokeh Server

It is a great idea to combine Bokeh Serve with Jupyter Notebook and Docker images. You can use Jupyter Notebook to quickly prototype and rely on Docker for quickly deployment.

Pros & Cons


  1. Very convenient for Python user.

  2. Bokeh Server integrates with Jupyter Notebook very well. You can even start a Bokeh Server in a Jupyter Notebook. This gives the ability to quickly prototype your dashboard in Jupyter Notebook.


  1. Coding required. Users have to be familiar with both Python and the Bokeh package.

Plotly Dash

Dash is a great (even better) alternative to Bokeh. I though Dash is based on Plotly APIs but the developers says not (see this issue).








Redash is a dashboard tool developed in Python.

Installation of Redash wget sudo ./ Note: Redash uses Python2, not Python3, so please make sure to use pip2 to install all required dependencies.

Supported Data Sources Currently, Redash supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, Hive, Presto, ClickHouse, etc. Teradata is NOT supported directly. I couldn't find an approach to let Teradata be supported at the moment, although I believe it is possible.

Glance of Redash Creating a dashboard or adding a config in Redash is pretty straightforward, go to, login with username:, password: 123456 to have a look at Redash in real.

Create a Dashboard First go to Queries - New Query, create your first new SQL query, and then publish it; Then go to Dashboards - New Dashboard, enter name for your new Dashboard; Click ... on the upper right corner, go to Add Widget, enter the Query name you created before; A new Dashboard has been created now. You can add more widgets whenever you want. Problems encountered now: Teradata is not officially supported by Redash; Unable to add the Presto and Hive data source to Redash, don't know the reason;


At the first glance, Superset is an Apache project, whcih means that it may be more active, maintained by more people, and better-supported.

Installation of Superset Installing Superset is pretty easy by just following the guide here:

Note: Since I use Python3 instead of Python2 which is used in the guide, need to change sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev python-pip libsasl2-dev libldap2-dev to sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python3-dev python3-pip libsasl2-dev libldap2-dev

Supported Data Source Superset uses SqlAlchemy as its SQL query engine, hence any data source supported by SqlAlchemy can be supported by Superset as well.

Glance of Superset Go to, login with username: test, password: 123456 to take a first glance at Superset. Note: If you encountered indefinite waiting after logined with test, please try to use username: mpan2, password: 123456 instead. There are many example dashboards already created by default, which can show you how powerful Superset is.
