Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

It is never too late to learn.

Tips on JupyterLab

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement!

General Tips

  1. You might lose data if you edit a notebook in multiple places (e.g., in different browsers or on different machines)! If you do have to work on the same notebook across multiple machine at the same time, a simple trick is to always close the tab of a notebook after you have updated it. This ensures that you sync the changes of the notebook to JupyterLab server.

  2. If you have a notebook open on a machine but have it edited before on another machine, the changes might not be synchronized automatically. If you jump to edit the notebook on the current machine without refreshing it, you might loss data. Even if JupyterLab do warn you about the notebook is changed on the disk, it is a hassle to go back to figure out new changes you've made. To avoid data loss, you'd better close notebook tabs and reopen them if you switch to another machine to use JupyterLab.

  3. If you work across multiple machines, the resolution of a terminal might not be messed up when you use Vim in it. A simple way to resolve the issue is create a new terminal.

  4. If a notebook is running and outputing results, disconnecting and reconnecting to it will lose future outputs even if the notebook continues to run. And what is even trickier is that the kernel icon won't display itself as busy, which can confuse users that the notebook was iterrupted or has finished running. This issue is being tracked at issue 6003 and issue 5382. Be cautions about it before it is fixed.

  5. Shutdown a kernel will kill the kernel associated with a notebook but it won't affect content in the notebook if no code is running. After shutdowning the kernel, a notebook behaves like a pure text editor.

  6. find.scala | xargs vim makes terminal fail to display correctly. reset resolves the issue.

  7. hard to do interactive UI in JupyterLab right now ... many interactive UI pacakges in R relies on RStudio to work.

  8. Convert Jupyter Notebook to another format.

    jupyter nbconvert --to FORMAT notebook.ipynb
  9. Notice that you'd better turn off proxies while using JupyterLab.

  10. If a JupyerLab notebook doesn't render well due to trust issues, you can rerun everything in the notebook and save it. This will usually resolve the trust issue.

Lauch a JupyterLab Server

jupyter-lab --allow-root --ip='' --port=8888 --no-browser --notebook-dir=$HOME

List Running JupyterLab Servers

jupyter server list

Or you can use the following Python script.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json
from jupyter_server import serverapp

servers = list(serverapp.list_running_servers())
print(json.dumps(servers, indent=4))

For more details on how to use the Python script, please refer to Get Information of Running Jupyter/Lab Servers .

Format a Jupyter/Lab Notebook

Find & Replace

How to Find & Replace in Jupyter Lab

More Tips on IPython and Jupyter/Lab

JupyterLab Extenions

Please refer to JupyterLab Extenions for more details.


  • Jupyter Notebook Kernels

  • JupyterLab Change Log

  • IPython and Jupyter in Depth: High productivity, interactive Python - PyCon 2017



  • Running a notebook server

  • Jupyter Notebook Enhancements, Tips And Tricks


