Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

It is never too late to learn.

Password Management

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement!

Command-line Password Manager

  1. kpcli (command line version of KeePassXC)

  2. royalguard

  3. pwman3

  4. pass

GUI Password Manager


KeePassXC is a successor of KeePassX. It is cross-platform.



LassPass saves password online, which is a security concern. I suggest you NOT to use LastPass.


teamdrive: slide left a little bit, middle button -> open in minikeepass


it seems that multi-screen makes keepassx auto enter not work well

Feature Requests

  1. keepassX, favorate items, tags, etc a. user-defined white spaces is handy

  2. keepassx favorate, most frequently used? or others that support this feature? you either have to do this by yourself or ask people to add this feature

