Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

It is never too late to learn.

Recursion in Scala

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement!

Tricks to Write Tail Recursive Calls

  1. A useful trick to write tail recursive function is to include the result to return as a parameter. If the result to return is a tuple (or so), you just need to include those elements that are not already parameters.

Tricks that Do Not Need Tail Recursive Calls

Somtimes you don't bother to write a tail recursive function (and don't want use while loop either) but still want to have good performance and avoid stack overflow issue.

  1. A good trick is to return Iterator or Stream.

  2. If the results to return is numbers or strings, you can cache the results using a HashMap to avoid writing tail recursive functions.

  3. Say that you want to reduce a seq. Instead of writing a method to handle the situation of multiple elements, you can just write a method to handle the situation of 2 elements, and then call the reduce method.

seq.reduce(_ youOperator _)
