Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

It is never too late to learn.

Async, Concurrency, Multithreading and Parallel Computing in Rust

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement!

Basic Struct Types for Rust Concurrency

UnsafeCell: the only foundamental struct which allows interior mutability. Other struct (e.g., Cell, RefCell, Rc, Arc, etc.) with interior mutability relies on UnsafeCell. Rc: reference counting, single thread Arc: Atomic reference counting, multi-thread Cell: single thread get and set methods for midifying does not modify in-place RefCell: can borrow content with borrow and borrow_mut single thread; reference rule checked at runtime; panics if it cannot get the borrow Atomics: concurrent version of Cell RwLock: concurrent version of RefCell blocks/sleep intead of calling panic if it cannot get the borrow Mutex: conrrent version of RefCell; simpler than RwLock; only allow exclusive borrows


Running code in parallel.


crossbeam-channel provides multi-producer multi-consumer channels for message passing. It is an alternative to std::sync::mpsc with more features and better performance.


Tokio is a library for async IO operations.


threadpool provides a thread pool for running a number of jobs on a fixed set of worker threads.


scheduled-thread-pool provides a thread pool which can schedule execution at a specific delay and repeat it periodically.


Deadpool is a dead simple async pool for connections and objects of any type.


mobc is a generic connection pool with async/await support.

