Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

It is never too late to learn.

Tips on "sed"

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement!

It is suggested that you use Python script as an alternative to sed for manipulating text files unless you have to stick to shell script.

  1. Add #!/bin/bash to the first line of all .txt files.

    sed -i '1 s_^_#!/bin/bash\n_' *.txt
  2. Add #!/bin/bash to the last line of all .txt files.

    sed -i '$ s_$_\n#!/bin/bash_' *.txt
  3. Add to the beginning of each line in a file.

    sed -i 's_^_' done.txt
  4. Get rid of all spaces (helpful for comparing not well formatted code) 对于格式问题 可以直接先删除空格等 然后再比较文件!!!very briliant idea!!!

    sed -i 's/ //g' *.r

Examples of Cleaning CSV Data

  1. Replace all + with _ in the first (header) line.

    sed -i '1 s/ + /_/g' *.csv
  2. Replace all with _ in the first (header) line.

    sed -i '1 s/ /_/g' *.csv
  3. Replace all - with _ in the first (header) line.

    sed -i '1 s/-/_/g' *.csv
  4. Replace all . with _ in the first (header) line.

    sed -i '1 s/\./_/g' *.csv
  5. Print the first (header) line of all CSV documents seprated by dash lines.

    echo "--------------------------------------------------";
    for f in *.csv; do
        head $f -n 1;
        echo "--------------------------------------------------";
  6. More examples.

    sed -i 'd/^layout: page/' *.md
    sed -i '/^layout: page/d' *.md
    sed -i '/^comments: yes/d' *.md
    sed -i '/^---$/d' *.md
    sed -i '/^title: /Title: /s' *.md
    sed -i 's/^title: /Title: /' *.md
    sed -i "2 s/^/Date: 2013-10-20 00:00:00\n/" *.md
    sed -i 's/\([0-9]\+\)\.  /\1\. /g' *
  7. insert "Author: Ben Chuanlong Du" as the 2 line into a text file. Notice the \ delimiter. You cannot use /.

    sed -i '2 i\Author: Ben Chuanlong Du' path_to_file

However, if text file contains only 1 line, the above command does not do anything!

  1. Add a blank line at the beginning of file.
    sed '1 i\\' file.txt


  1. Code for rick's problem (splitting a column into 2)

    sed 's/\(s[0-9]\{1,2\}\)" "\(t[0-9]\{1,2\}\)/\1-\2/g' testing.txt
  2. Insert #!/bin/bash as the first line into file with the extension .txt.

    sed -i '1 s_^_#!/bin/bash\n_' *.txt
  3. Get rid of lines matching ^user_id,.* with the 1st line skipped. This is helpful when you merge multiple text files with headers (e.g., output of Spark with headers). This commands help you get rid of duplicated header lines. Of course, you have replace the regular expression ^user_id,.* with an appropriate one.

    sed -i '2,$ s/^user_id,.*$//g' data.csv
  4. Get rid of escaped double quotes (\").

    sed -i 's/\\"//g' data.csv
  5. Replace ## Usage with ## Usage in Linux/Unix

    sed -i 's_^## Usage.*$_## Usage in Linux/Unix_' *.ipynb
  6. Replace valid users = ${DOCKER_USER} with valid users = dclong.

    sed "s/^valid users\s*=\s*\${DOCKER_USER}/valid users = dclong/g" smb.conf
  7. Remove the lines containing Python 2.7 versions (e.g., 2.7.16).

    sed -z 's/2\.7\.[[:digit:]]*\n//' .pyenv/version


  1. sed recursively ... aaaa aa -> a?
