Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

It is never too late to learn.

Thread-Local Storage for Rayon

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement!

There might be issue if the code relies on Drop of the struct. For example, if you create a BufWriter in thread-local storage, last buffered output might not flush. You have to 1. (not recommended) manually flush 2. (recommended) swap out the BufWrite from RefCell to allow it to be dropped.

Have to manually call bw.replace(None) so own the struct so that it can be dropped. This is good practice anyway as you want to lease handle to files so soon as they are no longer used.


  1. Can
    ThreadPool.broadcast be used? No good example of using it for thread-local storage ...
let zip_archive = zip::ZipArchive::new(std::fs::File::open("")?)?;
let results = (0..zip_archive.len())
    .map(|i| {
        thread_local!(static ZIP_ARCHIVE: RefCell<Result<zip::ZipArchive<std::fs::File>>> = RefCell::new(std::fs::File::open("").map_err(failure::Error::from).and_then(|f|zip::ZipArchive::new(f).map_err(|e|e.into()))));
        thread_local!(static CONTENTS: RefCell<String> = RefCell::new(String::new()));
        CONTENTS.with(|contents| {
            let name = ZIP_ARCHIVE.with(|zip_archive| {
                Ok(match &mut *zip_archive.borrow_mut() {
                    &mut Ok(ref mut zip_archive) => {
                        let mut f = zip_archive.by_index(i)?;
                        let name_string = std::path::Path::new(
                        debug!("Processing {}...", name_string);
                        f.read_to_string(&mut *contents.borrow_mut())?;
                    &mut Err(ref e) => return Err(format_err!("{:?}", e)),
                    .filter_map(|phrase| {
                        let capture_names = phrase.capture_names();
                        phrase.captures(&*contents.borrow()).map(|captures| {
                                .filter_map(|name_opt| {
                                    name_opt.and_then(|name| {
                              |value| {
                                            (name.to_owned(), value.as_str().to_owned())
                                .collect::<Vec<(String, String)>>()
                    .flat_map(|x| x)
                    .collect::<Vec<(String, String)>>(),
    .filter_map(|e| match e {
        Ok((_, ref data)) if data.is_empty() => None,
        Ok((name, data)) => Some(Ok((name, data))),
        Err(e) => Some(Err(e)),
    .collect::<Result<HashMap<String, Vec<(String, String)>>>>()?;


use crossbeam::thread_local;

// Define a thread-local variable.
thread_local! {
    static MY_VARIABLE: u32 = 42;

fn main() {
    // Access the thread-local variable from multiple threads.
    crossbeam::scope(|scope| {
        scope.spawn(|_| {
            // Get the value of the thread-local variable.
            println!("Thread 1: {}", MY_VARIABLE.with(|&v| v));

            // Set a new value for the thread-local variable.
            MY_VARIABLE.with(|v| *v = 100);

        scope.spawn(|_| {
            // Get the value of the thread-local variable.
            println!("Thread 2: {}", MY_VARIABLE.with(|&v| v));

            // Set a new value for the thread-local variable.
            MY_VARIABLE.with(|v| *v = 200);

    // Get the value of the thread-local variable in the main thread.
    println!("Main thread: {}", MY_VARIABLE.with(|&v| v));

Thread lifetime for TLS

