Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

It is never too late to learn.

Tips on Retirement Accounts

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement!

General Tips

  1. You can contribute to your own IRA accounts even if you have maxed out your 401K contributions. For people without coverage of work 401K plans and low income, those contributions are tax deductable. For people with coverage of work 401K plans or relative high income, those contributions are not tax deductable. Please refer to Retirement topics - IRA contribution limits for detailed information on IRA contribution limits and tax deductable qualifications. Even you are not qualified for tax deduction on IRA contributions, it can still be beneficial to contribute as some brokerages (e.g., Robinhood and Webull) do matches on IRA contributions.

Roth 401K vs Pre-tax 401K

BEST time to contribute to a roth 401k is when you are helping pay for a child's college, and you are getting tax credits.
This generally results in an extremely low effective tax rate.

Pretax 401k vs. Roth 401k | Which is Right for You?

roth 401k is more lidiquity!!!

Rollover 401K

  1. You can rollover your 401K/IRA accounts to the same or a different financial institution.

  2. Self-direct IRA accounts are (usually) free, however, managed IRA accounts for automated investments do have fees.

  3. How to roll over assets to an IRA | Vanguard

  4. Is an IRA Rollover Taxable?

