Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

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Tips on Creating Docker Images

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement!

  1. Docker caches building operations. When cache for an operation is available, Docker use the cache layer directly and avoid building the layer again.

  2. The command ARG creates environment variables for build-time while the command ENV creates environment variables for run-time. Notice that substring does not work with environment variables created by ARG! For example, if you have a variable created as ARG version=6.7.6_11. ${version:0:3} won't work in a Dockerfile.

  3. When install packages using apt-get, it is suggested that you use the option --no-install-recommends to avoid installing non necessary packages to reduce the size of the built Docker image. After installing Linux packages using apt-get, run the comamnd apt-get autoremove && apt-get autoclean to remove local caches to reduce the size of the built Docker image.

  4. When install Python packages using pip, it is suggested that you use the option --no-cache-dir to avoid caching downloaded packages locally to reduce the size of the built Docker image.

  5. After installing NodeJS packages using npm, run the comamnd npm cache clean --force to remove local caches to reduce the size of built Docker images.

  6. You have to tag an image into a Docker repository so that you can push the image into the repository.

  7. It is a good idea to expose additional ports to a Docker container just in case you might need to start other services later in the Docker container.

  8. The docker build command does not support symbolic links to files outside the root directory of docker build.

  9. By default the ubuntu Docker image does not include the multiverse repository. You can include it manually if you need it.


  1. The COPY command copies a file or directory to the Docker image to be built. In addition to copying the file/directory, the ADD command also untars the file if it is a tar file. It is suggested that you avoid use the ADD command unless you are clear about the side effect.

How to copy multiple files in one layer using a Dockerfile?

COPY package.json gulpfile.js __BUILD_NUMBER ./ COPY --from=dclong/rust-utils /root/.cargo/bin/* /usr/local/bin/

Directories are special! If you write

COPY dir1 dir2 ./ that actually works like

COPY dir1/ dir2/ ./ If you want to copy multiple directories (not their contents) under a destination directory in a single command, you'll need to set up the build context so that your source directories are under a common parent and then COPY that parent.

Git + SSH to Avoid Two-way Authentication Behind Corporate Firewall

Sometimes, you need to access an enterprise GitHub or private Git repositories to build Docker images, which requires SSH key authentication during the building process. Docker has built-in support of SSH key forwarding. For more details, please refer to Build secrets and SSH forwarding in Docker 18.09 , Kaniko, How to Build Container Image with SSH and Using SSH to access private data in builds . However, I wasn't able to make it work following the instructions.

Another possible way to enable SSH key authentication when building a Docker image is to copy your SSH private key into the directory /root/.ssh/ inside the Docker container and remove it after the Docker image building is complete. In order to make SSH work without human intervention, you have to disable strict checking of SSH. This can be done by having the following lines into the file /root/.ssh/config inside the Docker container.

Host *
StrictHostKeyChecking no
