Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

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Tips on Multipass

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement!

Multipass vs LXD

  1. LXD supports both containers and VMs while multipass supports only (Ubuntu) VMs.

  2. LXD is more lightweight compared to multipass.

  3. LXD does not require CPU virtualization while multipass relies on CPU virtualization.

  4. Multipass is very user-friendly while LXD requires some manual configuration and is much harder to use.

General Tips

  1. You can consider Multipass as a lightweight Ubuntu specific Docker equivalence.


sudo snap install multipass

Find available images

multipass find

Launch a fresh instance of the current Ubuntu LTS

multipass launch ubuntu

Check out the running instances

multipass list

Learn more about the VM instance you just launched

multipass info dancing-chipmunk

Sharing data with the instance

The recommended way to share data between your host and the instance is the mount command:

multipass mount $HOME keen-yak
multipass info keen-yak
Mounts:         /home/ubuntu => /home/ubuntu
From this point on /home/ubuntu will be available inside the instance. Use umount to unmount it again and you can change the target by passing it after the instance name:

multipass umount keen-yak
multipass mount $HOME keen-yak:/some/path
multipass info keen-yak                
Mounts:         /home/michal => /some/path
You can also use copy-files to just copy files around - prefix the path with <name>: if it’s inside an instance:

multipass copy-files keen-yak:/etc/crontab keen-yak:/etc/fstab .

Connect to a running instance

multipass shell dancing-chipmunk

Run commands inside an instance from outside

multipass exec dancing-chipmunk -- lsb_release -a

Stop an instance to save resources

multipass stop dancing-chipmunk

Delete the instance

multipass delete dancing-chipmunk


Use Canonical's Multipass to display Linux GUI applications on macOS desktop

Ubuntu Multipass - Better than Docker?
