In [2]:
pip3 install -U sqlfluff
Collecting sqlfluff Downloading sqlfluff-0.5.2-py3-none-any.whl (278 kB) |████████████████████████████████| 278 kB 2.9 MB/s Requirement already satisfied: pathspec in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from sqlfluff) (0.8.1) Collecting pytest Downloading pytest-6.2.3-py3-none-any.whl (280 kB) |████████████████████████████████| 280 kB 42.1 MB/s Collecting cached-property Using cached cached_property-1.5.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (7.6 kB) Collecting configparser Downloading configparser-5.0.2-py3-none-any.whl (19 kB) Requirement already satisfied: Jinja2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from sqlfluff) (2.11.3) Collecting typing-extensions Using cached typing_extensions- (22 kB) Collecting diff-cover>=2.5.0 Downloading diff_cover-5.0.1-py3-none-any.whl (44 kB) |████████████████████████████████| 44 kB 11.3 MB/s Collecting colorama>=0.3 Using cached colorama-0.4.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (16 kB) Collecting bench-it Using cached bench_it-1.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (19 kB) Collecting oyaml Using cached oyaml-1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (3.0 kB) Requirement already satisfied: click>=7.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from sqlfluff) (7.1.2) Collecting appdirs Using cached appdirs-1.4.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (9.6 kB) Requirement already satisfied: chardet>=3.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from diff-cover>=2.5.0->sqlfluff) (4.0.0) Collecting jinja2-pluralize Using cached jinja2_pluralize-0.3.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (4.8 kB) Collecting pluggy Using cached pluggy-0.13.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (18 kB) Requirement already satisfied: pygments in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from diff-cover>=2.5.0->sqlfluff) (2.7.2) Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=0.23 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from Jinja2->sqlfluff) (1.1.1) Collecting inflect>=0.2.4 Downloading inflect-5.3.0-py3-none-any.whl (32 kB) Requirement already satisfied: pyyaml in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from oyaml->sqlfluff) (5.4.1) Requirement already satisfied: toml in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from pytest->sqlfluff) (0.10.2) Requirement already satisfied: attrs>=19.2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from pytest->sqlfluff) (20.3.0) Collecting iniconfig Downloading iniconfig-1.1.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (5.0 kB) Requirement already satisfied: packaging in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from pytest->sqlfluff) (20.9) Collecting py>=1.8.2 Downloading py-1.10.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (97 kB) |████████████████████████████████| 97 kB 12.8 MB/s Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing>=2.0.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from packaging->pytest->sqlfluff) (2.4.7) Installing collected packages: inflect, py, pluggy, jinja2-pluralize, iniconfig, typing-extensions, pytest, oyaml, diff-cover, configparser, colorama, cached-property, bench-it, appdirs, sqlfluff Successfully installed appdirs-1.4.4 bench-it-1.0.1 cached-property-1.5.2 colorama-0.4.4 configparser-5.0.2 diff-cover-5.0.1 inflect-5.3.0 iniconfig-1.1.1 jinja2-pluralize-0.3.0 oyaml-1.0 pluggy-0.13.1 py-1.10.0 pytest-6.2.3 sqlfluff-0.5.2 typing-extensions-
General Tips and Traps¶
- SQLfluff supports Jinja template!
Safe to fix¶
- L001: Unneccessary trailing whitespace.
- L008: Commas should be followed by a single whitespace unless followed by a comment.
L: 75 | P: 5 | LXR | Unable to lex characters: ''${candidat'...'
Parsing Error¶
- PRS: Found unparsable section: '-- /*Select list of users to choose from...'
You can customize linting and fixing of SQL files by customizing rules. Please refer to Rules Reference for a complete list of rules.
Command-line APIs¶
In [3]:
!sqlfluff lint --help
Usage: sqlfluff lint [OPTIONS] [PATHS]... Lint SQL files via passing a list of files or using stdin. PATH is the path to a sql file or directory to lint. This can be either a file ('path/to/file.sql'), a path ('directory/of/sql/files'), a single ('-') character to indicate reading from *stdin* or a dot/blank ('.'/' ') which will be interpreted like passing the current working directory as a path argument. Linting SQL files: sqlfluff lint path/to/file.sql sqlfluff lint directory/of/sql/files Linting a file via stdin (note the lone '-' character): cat path/to/file.sql | sqlfluff lint - echo 'select col from tbl' | sqlfluff lint - Options: -n, --nocolor No color - if this is set then the output will be without ANSI color codes. -v, --verbose Verbosity, how detailed should the output be. This is *stackable*, so `-vv` is more verbose than `-v`. For the most verbose option try `-vvvv` or `-vvvvv`. --version Show the version and exit. --logger [parser|linter|rules] Choose to limit the logging to one of the loggers. --bench Set this flag to engage the benchmarking tool output. --ignore TEXT Ignore particular families of errors so that they don't cause a failed run. For example `--ignore parsing` would mean that any parsing errors are ignored and don't influence the success or fail of a run. Multiple options are possible if comma separated e.g. `--ignore parsing,templating`. --exclude-rules TEXT Exclude specific rules. For example specifying `--exclude-rules L001` will remove rule `L001` (Unnecessary trailing whitespace) from the set of considered rules. This could either be the whitelist, or the general set if there is no specific whitelist. Multiple rules can be specified with commas e.g. `--exclude-rules L001,L002` will exclude violations of rule `L001` and rule `L002`. --rules TEXT Narrow the search to only specific rules. For example specifying `--rules L001` will only search for rule `L001` (Unnecessary trailing whitespace). Multiple rules can be specified with commas e.g. `--rules L001,L002` will specify only looking for violations of rule `L001` and rule `L002`. --templater TEXT The templater to use (default=jinja) --dialect TEXT The dialect of SQL to lint (default=ansi) -f, --format [human|json|yaml] What format to return the lint result in. --nofail If set, the exit code will always be zero, regardless of violations found. This is potentially useful during rollout. --disregard-sqlfluffignores Perform the operation regardless of .sqlfluffignore configurations --help Show this message and exit.
In [ ]:
sqlfluff lint test.sql
In [ ]:
sqlfluff fix test.sql
Customized Fix Rules for sqlfluff¶
Below is my customized fix rules for sqlfluff. It uses upper case for SQL keywords and lower case for identifiers.
verbose = 0
nocolor = False
dialect = ansi
templater = jinja
rules = None
exclude_rules = None
recurse = 0
output_line_length = 80
runaway_limit = 10
ignore_templated_areas = True
# Comma separated list of file extensions to lint.
# NB: This config will only apply in the root folder.
sql_file_exts = .sql,.sql.j2,.dml,.ddl
indented_joins = False
template_blocks_indent = True
unwrap_wrapped_queries = True
apply_dbt_builtins = True
# Macros provided as builtins for dbt projects
dbt_ref = {% macro ref(model_ref) %}{{model_ref}}{% endmacro %}
dbt_source = {% macro source(source_name, table) %}{{source_name}}_{{table}}{% endmacro %}
dbt_config = {% macro config() %}{% for k in kwargs %}{% endfor %}{% endmacro %}
dbt_var = {% macro var(variable) %}item{% endmacro %}
dbt_is_incremental = {% macro is_incremental() %}True{% endmacro %}
# Some rules can be configured directly from the config common to other rules.
tab_space_size = 4
max_line_length = 80
indent_unit = space
comma_style = trailing
allow_scalar = True
single_table_references = consistent
unquoted_identifiers_policy = all
# Some rules have their own specific config.
lint_templated_tokens = True
[sqlfluff:rules:L010] # Keywords
capitalisation_policy = upper
[sqlfluff:rules:L014] # Unquoted identifiers
extended_capitalisation_policy = lower
ignore_comment_lines = False
[sqlfluff:rules:L029] # Keyword identifiers
unquoted_identifiers_policy = aliases
[sqlfluff:rules:L030] # Function names
capitalisation_policy = lower
select_clause_trailing_comma = forbid
[sqlfluff:rules:L040] # Null & Boolean Literals
capitalisation_policy = upper
# By default, allow subqueries in from clauses, but not join clauses.
forbid_subquery_in = join
[sqlfluff:rules:L047] # Consistent syntax to count all rows
prefer_count_1 = False
Python APIs¶
In [1]:
import sqlfluff
Parse a quite complex query.
In [36]:
sqlfluff.parse("select c1 from db.t1").tree.to_tuple()
('file', (('statement', (('select_statement', (('select_clause', (('keyword', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('select_clause_element', (('column_reference', (('identifier', ()),)),)))), ('whitespace', ()), ('from_clause', (('keyword', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('from_expression', (('from_expression_element', (('table_expression', (('table_reference', (('identifier', ()), ('dot', ()), ('identifier', ()))),)),)),)))))),)),))
In [2]:
sql = """
WITH foo AS (
baz AS (
parsed = sqlfluff.parse(sql)
In [3]:
In [5]:
In [6]:
{'ban', 'bap', ''}
In [18]:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-18-9dd70820bf23> in <module> ----> 1 parsed.index("SELECT") ValueError: tuple.index(x): x not in tuple
In [22]:
{'templating': 0.005710315000001742, 'lexing': 0.004631195999998283, 'parsing': 0.031160859000003427}
In [24]:
<FileSegment: ([0](1, 1, 1))>
In [27]:
In [30]:
Signature: parsed.tree.as_record(**kwargs) Docstring: Return the segment as a structurally simplified record. This is useful for serialization to yaml or json. kwargs passed to to_tuple File: /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sqlfluff/core/parser/segments/ Type: method
In [25]:
['__annotations__', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', '_comments', '_is_expandable', '_name', '_non_comments', '_preface', '_realign_segments', '_reconstruct', '_suffix', 'allow_empty', 'apply_fixes', 'as_record', 'can_start_end_non_code', 'comment_seperate', 'expand', 'get_child', 'get_children', 'get_end_pos_marker', 'get_start_pos_marker', 'get_table_references', 'invalidate_caches', 'is_code', 'is_comment', 'is_expandable', 'is_meta', 'is_optional', 'is_raw', 'is_segment', 'is_type', 'is_whitespace', 'iter_patches', 'iter_raw_seg', 'iter_segments', 'iter_unparsables', 'match', 'match_grammar', 'matched_length', 'name', 'optional', 'parse', 'parse_grammar', 'path_to', 'pos_marker', 'raw', 'raw_list', 'raw_upper', 'realign', 'recursive_crawl', 'segments', 'segs_to_tuple', 'select_children', 'simple', 'stringify', 'structural_simplify', 'to_tuple', 'trim_chars', 'trim_start', 'type', 'type_set', 'validate_segments']
In [43]:
(<newline_RawSegment: ([0](1, 1, 1)) '\n'>, <whitespace_RawSegment: ([1](1, 2, 1)) ' '>, <StatementSegment: ([5](1, 2, 5))>, <newline_RawSegment: ([271](1, 21, 6)) '\n'>, <whitespace_RawSegment: ([272](1, 22, 1)) ' '>)
In [39]:
[0](1, 1, 1) |file: [0](1, 1, 1) | newline: '\n' [1](1, 2, 1) | whitespace: ' ' [5](1, 2, 5) | statement: [5](1, 2, 5) | with_compound_statement: [5](1, 2, 5) | keyword: 'WITH' [9](1, 2, 9) | whitespace: ' ' [10](1, 2, 10) | common_table_expression: [10](1, 2, 10) | identifier: 'foo' [13](1, 2, 13) | whitespace: ' ' [14](1, 2, 14) | keyword: 'AS' [16](1, 2, 16) | whitespace: ' ' [17](1, 2, 17) | start_bracket: '(' [18](1, 2, 18) | [META] indent: [18](1, 2, 18) | newline: '\n' [19](1, 3, 1) | whitespace: ' ' [27](1, 3, 9) | select_statement: [27](1, 3, 9) | select_clause: [27](1, 3, 9) | keyword: 'SELECT' [33](1, 3, 15) | [META] indent: [33](1, 3, 15) | whitespace: ' ' [34](1, 3, 16) | select_clause_element: [34](1, 3, 16) | wildcard_expression: [34](1, 3, 16) | wildcard_identifier: [34](1, 3, 16) | star: '*' [35](1, 3, 17) | whitespace: ' ' [36](1, 3, 18) | [META] dedent: [36](1, 3, 18) | from_clause: [36](1, 3, 18) | keyword: 'FROM' [40](1, 3, 22) | whitespace: ' ' [41](1, 3, 23) | from_expression: [41](1, 3, 23) | [META] indent: [41](1, 3, 23) | from_expression_element: [41](1, 3, 23) | table_expression: [41](1, 3, 23) | table_reference: [41](1, 3, 23) | identifier: 'bar' [44](1, 3, 26) | dot: '.' [45](1, 3, 27) | identifier: 'bar' [48](1, 3, 30) | [META] dedent: [48](1, 3, 30) | newline: '\n' [49](1, 4, 1) | whitespace: ' ' [53](1, 4, 5) | [META] dedent: [53](1, 4, 5) | end_bracket: ')' [54](1, 4, 6) | comma: ',' [55](1, 4, 7) | newline: '\n' [56](1, 5, 1) | whitespace: ' ' [60](1, 5, 5) | common_table_expression: [60](1, 5, 5) | identifier: 'baz' [63](1, 5, 8) | whitespace: ' ' [64](1, 5, 9) | keyword: 'AS' [66](1, 5, 11) | whitespace: ' ' [67](1, 5, 12) | start_bracket: '(' [68](1, 5, 13) | [META] indent: [68](1, 5, 13) | newline: '\n' [69](1, 6, 1) | whitespace: ' ' [77](1, 6, 9) | select_statement: [77](1, 6, 9) | select_clause: [77](1, 6, 9) | keyword: 'SELECT' [83](1, 6, 15) | [META] indent: [83](1, 6, 15) | whitespace: ' ' [84](1, 6, 16) | select_clause_element: [84](1, 6, 16) | wildcard_expression: [84](1, 6, 16) | wildcard_identifier: [84](1, 6, 16) | star: '*' [85](1, 6, 17) | whitespace: ' ' [86](1, 6, 18) | [META] dedent: [86](1, 6, 18) | from_clause: [86](1, 6, 18) | keyword: 'FROM' [90](1, 6, 22) | whitespace: ' ' [91](1, 6, 23) | from_expression: [91](1, 6, 23) | [META] indent: [91](1, 6, 23) | from_expression_element: [91](1, 6, 23) | table_expression: [91](1, 6, 23) | table_reference: [91](1, 6, 23) | identifier: 'bap' [94](1, 6, 26) | [META] dedent: [94](1, 6, 26) | newline: '\n' [95](1, 7, 1) | whitespace: ' ' [99](1, 7, 5) | [META] dedent: [99](1, 7, 5) | end_bracket: ')' [100](1, 7, 6) | newline: '\n' [101](1, 8, 1) | whitespace: ' ' [105](1, 8, 5) | select_statement: [105](1, 8, 5) | select_clause: [105](1, 8, 5) | keyword: 'SELECT' [111](1, 8, 11) | [META] indent: [111](1, 8, 11) | whitespace: ' ' [112](1, 8, 12) | newline: '\n' [113](1, 9, 1) | whitespace: ' ' [121](1, 9, 9) | select_clause_element: [121](1, 9, 9) | wildcard_expression: [121](1, 9, 9) | wildcard_identifier: [121](1, 9, 9) | star: '*' [122](1, 9, 10) | whitespace: ' ' [123](1, 9, 11) | newline: '\n' [124](1, 10, 1) | whitespace: ' ' [128](1, 10, 5) | [META] dedent: [128](1, 10, 5) | from_clause: [128](1, 10, 5) | keyword: 'FROM' [132](1, 10, 9) | whitespace: ' ' [133](1, 10, 10) | newline: '\n' [134](1, 11, 1) | whitespace: ' ' [142](1, 11, 9) | from_expression: [142](1, 11, 9) | [META] indent: [142](1, 11, 9) | from_expression_element: [142](1, 11, 9) | table_expression: [142](1, 11, 9) | table_reference: [142](1, 11, 9) | identifier: 'foo' [145](1, 11, 12) | newline: '\n' [146](1, 12, 1) | whitespace: ' ' [150](1, 12, 5) | [META] dedent: [150](1, 12, 5) | join_clause: [150](1, 12, 5) | keyword: 'INNER' [155](1, 12, 10) | whitespace: ' ' [156](1, 12, 11) | keyword: 'JOIN' [160](1, 12, 15) | [META] indent: [160](1, 12, 15) | whitespace: ' ' [161](1, 12, 16) | newline: '\n' [162](1, 13, 1) | whitespace: ' ' [170](1, 13, 9) | from_expression_element: [170](1, 13, 9) | table_expression: [170](1, 13, 9) | table_reference: [170](1, 13, 9) | identifier: 'baz' [173](1, 13, 12) | whitespace: ' ' [174](1, 13, 13) | newline: '\n' [175](1, 14, 1) | whitespace: ' ' [179](1, 14, 5) | keyword: 'USING' [184](1, 14, 10) | [META] indent: [184](1, 14, 10) | whitespace: ' ' [185](1, 14, 11) | start_bracket: '(' [186](1, 14, 12) | [META] indent: [186](1, 14, 12) | newline: '\n' [187](1, 15, 1) | whitespace: ' ' [195](1, 15, 9) | identifier: 'user_id' [202](1, 15, 16) | newline: '\n' [203](1, 16, 1) | whitespace: ' ' [207](1, 16, 5) | [META] dedent: [207](1, 16, 5) | end_bracket: ')' [208](1, 16, 6) | [META] dedent: [208](1, 16, 6) | [META] dedent: [208](1, 16, 6) | newline: '\n' [209](1, 17, 1) | whitespace: ' ' [213](1, 17, 5) | join_clause: [213](1, 17, 5) | keyword: 'INNER' [218](1, 17, 10) | whitespace: ' ' [219](1, 17, 11) | keyword: 'JOIN' [223](1, 17, 15) | [META] indent: [223](1, 17, 15) | whitespace: ' ' [224](1, 17, 16) | newline: '\n' [225](1, 18, 1) | whitespace: ' ' [233](1, 18, 9) | from_expression_element: [233](1, 18, 9) | table_expression: [233](1, 18, 9) | table_reference: [233](1, 18, 9) | identifier: 'ban' [236](1, 18, 12) | whitespace: ' ' [237](1, 18, 13) | newline: '\n' [238](1, 19, 1) | whitespace: ' ' [242](1, 19, 5) | keyword: 'USING' [247](1, 19, 10) | [META] indent: [247](1, 19, 10) | whitespace: ' ' [248](1, 19, 11) | start_bracket: '(' [249](1, 19, 12) | [META] indent: [249](1, 19, 12) | newline: '\n' [250](1, 20, 1) | whitespace: ' ' [258](1, 20, 9) | identifier: 'user_id' [265](1, 20, 16) | newline: '\n' [266](1, 21, 1) | whitespace: ' ' [270](1, 21, 5) | [META] dedent: [270](1, 21, 5) | end_bracket: ')' [271](1, 21, 6) | [META] dedent: [271](1, 21, 6) | [META] dedent: [271](1, 21, 6) | newline: '\n' [272](1, 22, 1) | whitespace: ' '
In [32]:
import json
In [35]:
print(json.dumps(parsed.tree.to_tuple(), indent=4))
] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], [ "newline", [] ], [ "whitespace", [] ], [ "end_bracket", [] ] ] ], [ "newline", [] ], [ "whitespace", [] ], [ "select_statement", [ [ "select_clause", [ [ "keyword", [] ], [ "whitespace", [] ], [ "newline", [] ], [ "whitespace", [] ], [ "select_clause_element", [ [ "wildcard_expression", [ [ "wildcard_identifier", [ [ "star", [] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], [ "whitespace", [] ], [ "newline", [] ], [ "whitespace", [] ], [ "from_clause", [ [ "keyword", [] ], [ "whitespace", [] ], [ "newline", [] ], [ "whitespace", [] ], [ "from_expression", [ [ "from_expression_element", [ [ "table_expression", [ [ "table_reference", [ [ "identifier", [] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], [ "newline", [] ], [ "whitespace", [] ], [ "join_clause", [ [ "keyword", [] ], [ "whitespace", [] ], [ "keyword", [] ], [ "whitespace", [] ], [ "newline", [] ], [ "whitespace", [] ], [ "from_expression_element", [ [ "table_expression", [ [ "table_reference", [ [ "identifier", [] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], [ "whitespace", [] ], [ "newline", [] ], [ "whitespace", [] ], [ "keyword", [] ], [ "whitespace", [] ], [ "start_bracket", [] ], [ "newline", [] ], [ "whitespace", [] ], [ "identifier", [] ], [ "newline", [] ], [ "whitespace", [] ], [ "end_bracket", [] ] ] ], [ "newline", [] ], [ "whitespace", [] ], [ "join_clause", [ [ "keyword", [] ], [ "whitespace", [] ], [ "keyword", [] ], [ "whitespace", [] ], [ "newline", [] ], [ "whitespace", [] ], [ "from_expression_element", [ [ "table_expression", [ [ "table_reference", [ [ "identifier", [] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], [ "whitespace", [] ], [ "newline", [] ], [ "whitespace", [] ], [ "keyword", [] ], [ "whitespace", [] ], [ "start_bracket", [] ], [ "newline", [] ], [ "whitespace", [] ], [ "identifier", [] ], [ "newline", [] ], [ "whitespace", [] ], [ "end_bracket", [] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ], [ "newline", [] ], [ "whitespace", [] ] ] ]
In [31]:
('file', (('newline', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('statement', (('with_compound_statement', (('keyword', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('common_table_expression', (('identifier', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('keyword', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('start_bracket', ()), ('newline', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('select_statement', (('select_clause', (('keyword', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('select_clause_element', (('wildcard_expression', (('wildcard_identifier', (('star', ()),)),)),)))), ('whitespace', ()), ('from_clause', (('keyword', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('from_expression', (('from_expression_element', (('table_expression', (('table_reference', (('identifier', ()), ('dot', ()), ('identifier', ()))),)),)),)))))), ('newline', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('end_bracket', ()))), ('comma', ()), ('newline', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('common_table_expression', (('identifier', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('keyword', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('start_bracket', ()), ('newline', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('select_statement', (('select_clause', (('keyword', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('select_clause_element', (('wildcard_expression', (('wildcard_identifier', (('star', ()),)),)),)))), ('whitespace', ()), ('from_clause', (('keyword', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('from_expression', (('from_expression_element', (('table_expression', (('table_reference', (('identifier', ()),)),)),)),)))))), ('newline', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('end_bracket', ()))), ('newline', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('select_statement', (('select_clause', (('keyword', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('newline', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('select_clause_element', (('wildcard_expression', (('wildcard_identifier', (('star', ()),)),)),)))), ('whitespace', ()), ('newline', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('from_clause', (('keyword', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('newline', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('from_expression', (('from_expression_element', (('table_expression', (('table_reference', (('identifier', ()),)),)),)), ('newline', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('join_clause', (('keyword', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('keyword', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('newline', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('from_expression_element', (('table_expression', (('table_reference', (('identifier', ()),)),)),)), ('whitespace', ()), ('newline', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('keyword', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('start_bracket', ()), ('newline', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('identifier', ()), ('newline', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('end_bracket', ()))), ('newline', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('join_clause', (('keyword', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('keyword', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('newline', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('from_expression_element', (('table_expression', (('table_reference', (('identifier', ()),)),)),)), ('whitespace', ()), ('newline', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('keyword', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('start_bracket', ()), ('newline', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('identifier', ()), ('newline', ()), ('whitespace', ()), ('end_bracket', ()))))))))))),)), ('newline', ()), ('whitespace', ())))
Extract table names. SQLfluff looks for all table references which are NOT CTE aliases.
In [5]:
{'ban', 'bap', ''}
In [ ]: