Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

It is never too late to learn.

Tips on Wajig

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement!

Wajig on Debian Wiki

  1. You can type enter the CLI of wajig by typing wajig in terminal, so that you can use commands of wajig directly instead of typing wajig every time.
    $ wajig

wajig install

From the documentation, wajig install is equivalent to apt-get install --no-install-recommends. wajig install-r is equivalent to apt-get install.

  1. wajig search use regular expression by default. For example, wajig search g++ does not search for literal g++ but any package that contains g. To search for g++ related packages, you can use wajig search g\\+\\+ instead.

  2. Let wajig also search description

    wajig search -v youtube

wajig download

  1. Download a package for install later. This is very helpful if the package is big.

    wajig download pkg_name
  2. Remove all GNOME desktop related packages

    wajig list | awk '{print $2}' | grep -i ^gnome | xargs wajig purge
  3. install a package of specific version using wajig

    wajig search libssl/testing
  4. check which repository a package comes from

    wajig policy geary
  5. To install backport packages, use

    wajig install libreoffice/wheezy-backports
    apt-get -t wheezy-backports libreoffice

    It does not work if you use

    wajig install libreoffice/stable-backports

Download Packages (for Installation Later)

If your network speed is a concern, you can download a package for installation later using the command below.

wajig download pkg_name


  1. it seems to me that wajig purge package_name fails to remove packages sometimes even though it seems to succeed.
