Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

It is never too late to learn.

Format a Disk on Linux

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement!

  1. Locate the right disk to operate on. A few commands might help you. For example, you can use the command ls /dev/sd* to list all hard drives and the command …

Partition and Bucketing in Spark

Tips and Traps

  1. Bucketed column is only supported in Hive table at this time.

  2. A Hive table can have both partition and bucket columns.

  3. Suppose t1 and t2 are 2 bucketed tables and with the number of buckets b1 and b2 respecitvely. For bucket optimization to kick in when joining them:

     - The 2 tables must be bucketed on the same keys/columns.
     - Must joining on the bucket keys/columns.
     - `b1` is a multiple of `b2` or `b2` is a multiple of `b1`.

Spark Issue: InvalidInputException for Some Hive Data Partitions

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement!

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement!


15/12/29 17:22:27 ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: User class …