Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

It is never too late to learn.

Editing Shell Commands Using Vim

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement!

  1. Bash supports both Vi mode and Emacs mode. The default is Emacs mode. You can turn on the Vim mode by set -o vi in .bashrc.

export EDITOR=vim

A better …

US Treasury Yield Curve

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement!

yield curve

Understanding the Yield Curve

What is a yield curve? …

Tips on Python Module

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement!

Import a Module

  1. There are 3 different ways to import Python modules.

    import module_name
    import module_name as alias
    from module import pkg_mod_or_fun
  2. The module importlib.resources (since Python 3.7+) leverages …

Tips on Rust

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement!

Rust Blessed is an unofficial guide to the Rust ecosystem.


Please refer to Tips on rustup for installing Rust using rustup (the recommended way for most users …