Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

It is never too late to learn.

Tips on Python Module

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement!

Import a Module

  1. There are 3 different ways to import Python modules.

    import module_name
    import module_name as alias
    from module import pkg_mod_or_fun
  2. The module importlib.resources (since Python 3.7+) leverages …

Best Way of Using HoloViews


  1. DataFrame.hvplot (via the Python package hvplot) is the most convenient way to use HoloViews.

  2. If you want to use HoloViews directly, it is better to create a HoloViews.Dataset object and use it for visualization.

  3. The groupby option generates a plot with a dropdown list for interactively showing plots of different groups. You can overlay plots of different groups together on the same plot simplify by calling the .overlay()