Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

It is never too late to learn.

My List of Python Modules

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement!

Awesome Python

Awesome Python Applications

Data Science

  1. pandas: data frame.

  2. scipy: scientific computing.

  3. numpy: multi-dimensional arrays, fundation of pandas and deep learning packages.

  4. re: regular expression

File System

  1. shutil: copy, move and remove files.

  2. tempfile: create temporary files and directories.

  3. pathlib

  4. loguru: logging made (stupidly) easy for Python. It is a much better alternative than the built-in logging module.

Python Developing Tools


Documentation & Reporting

  1. sphinx

  2. Pweave: R knitr equivalence in Python.



Python Modules for Date and Time

High Performance Computing

Command-line Arguments Parsing

  1. argparse: Parser for command-line options, arguments and sub-commands.

  2. curses

Machine Learning

Please refer to Machine Learning Frameworks for more details.

GUI application

  1. PyQt

  2. PySide

Calling Shell

  1. os.system

  2. subprocess: subprocess management.


  1. gnupg

  2. pycrypto

Unit Testing

  1. pytest: the best unit testing framework for Python.

  2. unittest: built-in unit testing framework.

Data Structure

  1. python-sortedcontainers


  1. networkx/networkx

  2. pydot/pydot

  3. opusonesolutions/asciigraf

  4. count0/graph-tool

  5. pydot/pydot


  1. inspect: check class, function definition and so on.

  2. tqdm A Fast, Extensible Progress Bar for Python and CLI

  3. osquery-python

