Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

It is never too late to learn.

Manage Your Python Project Using Poetry

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement!

Tips and Traps

  1. Python Poetry is current the best project management tool for Python!

  2. Python Poetry supports Python package dependencies on GitHub. For example, if a Python package depends on, then you can add it using the following.

    poetry add git+


    poetry add git+ssh://

    For more details, please refer to poetry add and git dependencies .

  3. poetry install removes non needed libraries. A tricky situation is that if you have dependency A which depends on dependency B, and you have specified both A and B in pyproject.toml. Removing dependency B from pyrpoject.toml and then running poetry install won't remove the library B from the virtual environment as B is still needed by A.

  4. Poetry has lots of issues in Windows currently. It is suggested that you avoid using poetry in Windows.

  5. If you encounter the following error message when running poetry install,

    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/path/to/'

    it means that you have specified tool.poetry.readme to be in pyproject.toml but does not exists under root directory of the project.

Install Python Poetry

  1. Follow the official tutorial.

  2. Using xinstall.

    # install xinstall if it hasn't been installed
    sudo pip3 install -U git+
    # install poetry using xinstall
    xinstall pt -ic

Updating Python Poetry

Updating poetry to the latest stable version is as simple as calling the self:update command.

poetry self:update

If you want to install prerelease versions, you can use the --preview option.

poetry self:update --preview


Create/Initialize a New Project

  1. Create a new Python project using poetry.

    poetry new proj
  2. Initialize an existing Python project using poetry.

    poetry init

Install Dependencies

  1. Installl all dependencies.

    poetry install
  2. Installl all but dev dependencies.

    poetry install  --no-dev

Export Dependencies

  1. Export the lock file to requirements.txt so that the dependency can be installed using pip.
    poetry export -f requirements.txt > requirements.txt

Run Commands in the Virtual Environment

peotry run cmd is a quick to run cmd using the virtual environment managed by poetry. Another way is to manually setPATHbefore you invokecmd`. For example,

PATH=.venv/bin:$PATH cmd
  1. Run test suits using pytest.

    poetry run pytest

    Or if you want to make it specific to collect test suits from the test directory under the root directory of the project.

    poetry run pytest test
  2. Run pytype.

    poetry run pytype .

User Tasks


Pleaser refer to pyproject.toml for examples of configuration for Python Poetry.

Restrict Operating Systems in Python Poetry

How can I specify dependencies on operating system in Python Poetry?

# ...
classifiers = [
    "Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux",


Poetry Documentation
